When Does Child Support End in California?

Whether living together or living apart, parents are responsible for physically and financially taking care of their children. If the parents are divorced, however, they may not always agree on how much financial responsibility each parent will cover. When this occurs for those living in California, the parents will need to seek a child support […]

How to Modify Your Child Support & Custody Agreements

Raising a child on your own is difficult enough, but handling child support and custody agreements can be overwhelming and stressful. When changes to child support and custody agreements are necessary, it is not only possible to make revisions but also very common. An attorney can show you how to modify your child support and […]

What Is the New Child Support Law in California in 2023?

Laws change and develop over time to stay up to date. This is important because laws that made sense 100 years ago don’t always make sense today. As circumstances change, laws should change, too. New child support laws in California have been enacted in 2023 in order to ensure they are current and can cater […]

What Is the Minimum Child Support in California?

Child support is a crucial aspect of divorce and separation cases involving children in California. Child support is the financial assistance provided by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent. It is intended to cover the expenses of raising a child, including food, housing, clothing, and education. The state of California has established child support […]

What State Has the Highest Child Support?

Child support is critical to ensuring the well-being of children after a divorce and in other cases where parents are not together. The amount of child support varies from state to state. The payments involved are based on a variety of factors. These include the income of both parents, the number of children involved, and […]