How to Modify Your Child Support & Custody Agreements

Raising a child on your own is difficult enough, but handling child support and custody agreements can be overwhelming and stressful. When changes to child support and custody agreements are necessary, it is not only possible to make revisions but also very common. An attorney can show you how to modify your child support and […]

What Makes a Parent Unfit in California?

California law has specific regulations and rules to evaluate if a parent is unfit to continue their parental role for the safety of a child. Determining whether a parent is unfit involves a number of factors, such as the actions and demeanor of the parent, the status of the home environment, and the parent’s ability […]

What Are the Chances of a Father Getting 50/50 Custody in California?

The difficulties that come with a divorce are compounded when there are children involved. Working out a custody arrangement is hard, and everyone wants the best interests of the child to be the highest priority. California courts favor 50/50 arrangements as much as possible, hoping to keep both parent-child relationships strong. If you are dealing […]

How Is Child Custody Determined in California?

The end of a marriage can be a difficult time for anyone. You may be wondering what your future will look like, what aspects of your life will be different, and how your children will handle these changes. For any parent, anxiety about how their children will cope after the divorce can often be the […]